There may be many apps on Playstore that help you in setting up reminders for different habits that you plan on inculcating in your day to day life, but we can tell one thing for sure, there is no app as intuitive as the Otternal Life app.
The first thing that will catch your eyes and get you stuck with the app is the very first onboarding steps that you take to create your first habit. It might just remind you of your childhood days when you’d always have a toy to talk to and guide you to do stuff!
- Extremely user friendly and fun to setup
- Intuitive user interface
- Can created unlimited habits
- Can setup reminders for each of the habits
- Get notified with reminders
- Write your own journal at the end of the day
- Track your progress on the built in calendar
- Absolutely free, no ads
- Works offline, no internet connectivity required
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